1. Name
  2. Name of Business/Organization
  3. Your e-mail address
  4. Your Phone Number
  5. Describe what business you are in:
    • Non-profit Organization?
  6. Exactly who is your target customer/audience?
  7. Do you have an existing webpage? (If so URL and why you want to change it)
  8. What type of information do you want to put on a website?
  9. What methods are used for advertising currently?
  10. How often does this type of information need to be updated?
  11. Does your company/organization have existing logo or symbols? (Examples)
  12. Will you want to take online orders?
  13. How can your customers contact you currently?
    • Telephone? Fax? Mail? E-mail?
  14. Do you have a budget established for a website? (If so how much?)
  15. Other comments:

Copyright © 1999 Fiona Web Goddess

Page last updated 2/28/99

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